An uptime robot to monitor your website

🤖 Sitesure’s uptime robot will keep an eye on your services so you can focus on what matters

You’ve built your app, published your website, and now you want to be able to enjoy life while it continues to serve your customers.

Get notified immediately when things go wrong.

But what happens when the unforseen happens and things stop working as expected?

❌ Don’t lose potential customers because they look for an alternative solution.
❌ Don’t lose customers because they’re frustrated because your service doesn’t work.

Your first two monitors are free, no strings attached.

  • Know that your website is up and responding correctly.
  • Know that your contact forms are working.
  • Know that your API is available.
  • Know that your background jobs are running on schedule.
  • Know that your TCP services are online.
  • Know that your SSL certificate is valid.
  • Know that your DNS is pointing to the right place.
  • Know that your domain is renewed on time.

Worldwide monitoring

Uptime checks

Sitesure will check your website, API endpoint, or TCP service at a regular interval from around the world and notify you when the response is not expected. Every check works through the entire network stack from DNS query through SSL negotiation and reading the response guaranteeing everything is working.

Job monitoring

The problem with background jobs is that they happen in the background. When they fail, they fail silently and who knows how long it will take before you’re aware of the problem?

Sitesure monitors listen for a notification from your background job and alerts you as soon as one fails to check-in on schedule. It works for cron jobs and any other scheduler. If your job can make an HTTP request, monitors will have your back.

Heartbeat monitoring

Some things don’t happen on a schedule but still have a regular cadence. Heartbeat monitors notify you if they haven’t received one check-in within a particular interval. Monitor anything from a contact form to an event queue to an IoT device and be notified when they’ve gone silent for too long.

Status pages

Showcase the reliability of your system and keep everyone informed when things aren’t 100%.

Your first two monitors are free, no strings attached.